Febryan Maulana

We will remember Febryan Maulana, master student in Electromechanical Engineering. Febryan died from the consequences of Covid-19 and left behind a wife and three children. Our thoughts are with him and his loved ones.

Febryan Maulana

Febryan Maulana (14/02/1986 - 04/12/2020)

Our thoughts go to the family and friends of Febryan. Feel free to add some words of consolation.

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Dear family and friends of Febryan, we are deeply silenced by this tragic news. A young life is not supposed to end so soon. Our sincere condolances and solidarity with your grief. Our thoughts are with you on the other side of the globe. Febryan will be remembered and will always be part of our VUB community. Take care all of you. R.I.P., Febryan.

Dear family, I can't imagine what grief you are going through, but I know that it is terrible beyond words. You have my love and sympathy.

My most sincere condolences for friends and family. What a loss. May you find strenght and consolation in your memories.

Innige deelneming bij het vroege verlies van deze jonge man. Veel sterkte in deze moeilijke tijd.

Dear family and friends, my sincere condolences. Sending you strength to get through this difficult times.

لله ما أخذ وله ما أعطى وكل شيء عنده أجل مسمى

My condolecens. And my deepest feelings of  sympathy to the family

Dear family and friends of Febryan, I'd like to express my sincerest condolences to you. I was shocked to hear that. I hope you will get through this difficult time. Life is impermanent, we all will die one day. Rest in peace, my friend. 

Dear family and friends of Febryan, as Dean of the Faculty of Engineering of Vrije Universiteit Brussel, where Febryan was studying, I wanted to express my deepest sympathy as you remember him. Please accept my heartfelt condolences.

Dear family and friends, I was so sorry to hear about your loss. Febryan will be remembered by our Faculty and university as a kind, polite and motivated student. I wish you lots of strength and courage throughout this difficult period. My thoughts are with you.

Dear family, relatives and friends of Febryan,I would like to express my sincere condolences. I hope you will find the strength to overcome this unexpected loss. 

Dear Family, friends and loved ones of Febryan, I am sorry to hear about your loss. I remember Febryan from my course on lighting, and from his Saturday lectures with my colleague. Often, I opened the door of the department for him and I remember he was always quite, kind and polite. He will be remembered at our university. I wish you courage and strength to deal with your loss.  

My sincerest condolences to the family and friends of Febryan. 

Dear family of Febryan,Febryan was student in my class of Fuel Cells and Batteries. It was not his favorite topic, but he was finally successful. He had a very nice way of calling me professor. My sincere condolences.Annick